section is under development. I am adding scanned copies of my
certificates (below). I am also working on an updated HTML resume,
but for now you can check out my Resume
from a couple of months ago.
Associate's Degree in Social Science from the State University of New
York at Morrisville
PC Technician from eCertifications
Dean's List for Spring 2001 at SUNY Morrisville-Norwich
Dean's List for Fall 2000 at SUNY Morrisville-Norwich
DLS Technician II from Dynamic Learning Systems for Troubleshooting,
Maintaining, and Repairing PC's
Network Configuration and Maintenance certification from Brainbench
Web Server Administration certification from Brainbench
E-commerce Concepts certification from Brainbench
Windows 95 / 98 System Administration certification from eCertifications
Internet Concepts certification from Brainbench
Internet Industry Knowledge certification from Brainbench
Basic Economics certification from eCertifications
Telephone Etiquette certification from Brainbench
Eight Hour Annual in-service training course for security gaurds
Security Gaurd Of The Quarter from Burns International Security
Services (Plaque)
One Year Service Award from Burns International Security Services
Eight hour annual in-service training course for security guards
2 Year Vocational Education Diploma in Security and Law Enforcement
Certificate Of Ambassadorship for Tourism in Chenango County
16 hour on-the-job training course for security guards
Eight hour pre-assignment training course for security guards
conducted at Broome Community College
Certificate Of Excellence in the Chenango County Summer Youth Program
Certificate Of Completion in the Chenango County Summer Youth Program
Perfect Attendance award for the Chenango County Summer Youth Program
Perfect Attendance award for Security and Law Enforcement for
1997-1998 school year
Most Improved Award in Security and Law Enforcement for 1997-1998
school year
High Honor Roll student at Norwich High School for academic
excellence for the 4th quarter
High Performance Student award in Security and Law Enforcement for
the 1st quarter
National Vocation Technical Honor Society for outstanding scholastic acheivement
Provisional Instuctor Certification from Defensive Systems International
Special Recognition Award for Security and Law Enforcement
Certificate of Acheivement for Successful Completion of OET's Career
Enhancement Workshop Series
First Aid and Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
High Honor Roll student at Norwich High School for the 2nd quarter
Honor Roll student at Norwich High School for the 4th quarter
Certificate of Acadmic Excellence at Norwich High School
Perfect Attendance award for Security and Law Enforcement for thr
1997 school year
High Performance Student award for the second quarter of the
1996-1997 school year
High Performance Student award for the third quarter of 1996-1997
school year
Certificate of Participation in an intense 8 hour Defensive Tacticts program
High Honor Roll student at Norwich High School for the 2nd quarter
Honor Roll student at Norwich High School for the 4th quarter
Young Boater's Safety Course Make Sure / Make Shore Student Diploma
Certificate of Participation in the Chenango County Summer Youth Program
Certificate of Acheivement for successfull completion of a SMILE
shadowing progra with the NYS police